Pellet is the name given to the form formed by drying and grinding all kinds of industrial and agricultural wastes and compressing them under high pressure. Pellet raw material; In general, materials such as wood, wood, sawdust, chips, bark, branches and similar forest wastes, wood chips, sawdust and wedges are used.
Many developed countries see biomass energy as the main energy source of the future, for example, Finland obtains 20% of its energy, Sweden 16%, Austria 13% from biomass. Biofuels constitute the highest potential source in meeting the energy need of our country, which meets the majority of its energy needs through imports and is expected to increase gradually.
Forestry waste and residues, timber industry residues, agricultural product harvest residues and specially grown energy crops; Biomass can be used in the heating of houses and in the production of electrical energy, after making pellets in the easiest and energy efficient way. pellets; They are cylindrical shaped materials with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm and a length of 10 to 12 mm, with increased density and therefore energy efficiency by compression. It is produced in North America and European countries where woody material residues are most abundant. More than 6 million tons are produced annually in the USA and Canada, which are North American countries, and around 12 million tons per year in European countries. Pellets placed on the market; in residential and workplace heating, in individual stoves and solid fuel floor heaters, It is also used for process water heating in student dormitories and some small and medium-sized enterprises. In fact, foreign trade is carried out in large producing countries such as Canada, European and Asian countries. Especially when it comes to trade, standards come to the fore and countries that actively use pellets have standards for production, transportation and packaging processes. EU pellet standards, which have more stringent standards, are taken into account in foreign trade.
The main advantages of pelleting are; high energy density, low transportation and storage costs, standardization of fuel material shape and composition, and as a result, automatic feeding in domestic and industrial use boilers. High quality pellets should be dry (humidity rate below 10%), hard and durable, low ash content after burning and should not exceed 1-2%. When compared with other solid fuels, ash ratios are 20% in coal and 0.5% in pellets. This means that 65 g of ash will be formed when 25 kg of pellets are burned in a household stove. It varies between 6 and 10% in trees burned without pellets. Thanks to the low ash content, the efficiency of the combustion system will increase and the operating costs will decrease.
Our products are definitely allocated through companies that have EnPlus and Religion certificates, we do not have a production factory, we only serve as Traders.
Our company generally works with cash payment, but in some cases we work with a Bank Letter of Guarantee or 100% available LC.
In order to work with us, you must first register in our supplier list, please do not rely on people who use our company name before contacting us.
Features | Pellet(Universal) | Pellet(Industrial) | Lignite | Coal(TR) | Coal (Imported) |
Heating Value | > 4.200 | 4,000 | 2.700 – 3.200 | 3.500 – 5.000 | 4,000 – 6,000 |
Waste Amount(%) | < 2 | < 3 | 15 – 25 | 20 – 45 | 15 -45 |
No (%) | < 10 | < 10 | 20 – 40 | 10 – 30 | 10 – 20 |
CO₂ Emission | — | — | 1.78 | 1.66 | 1.66 |
Bulk Density (kg/m3) | 620 – 670 | 620 – 670 | 650 – 780 | 720 – 850 | 720 – 850 |

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