Oil and its derivatives trading is a very common and strategic sector worldwide. Oil, natural gas and its derivatives account for a large portion of global energy demand. Sales in this sector are usually large-scale purchases and sales, and many countries play a significant role in oil and its derivatives trading. Here is some information about the countries and products where oil and its derivatives are most commonly sold:

Most Common Countries of Sales
The main countries in oil and its derivatives trading are major players in terms of oil production and consumption:
Saudi Arabia
Oil Production: It is one of the world’s largest oil producers and exports many derivatives, especially crude oil.
Derivatives: Derivatives such as crude oil, gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and petrochemicals are widely traded.
Oil and Natural Gas: Russia is a global player in both crude oil and natural gas trading. Diesel and natural gas derivatives are also frequently traded.
Derivatives: Products such as diesel, petrochemical products, asphalt, jet fuel are prominent.
United States of America (USA)
Oil Production and Export: The USA has become a world-wide producer in recent years with its shale gas and shale oil production. In particular, the export of crude oil, natural gas and its derivatives is quite high.
Derivatives: Derivatives such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, petrochemical products and LPG are prominent.
Crude Oil Production: It is one of the important producers of the Middle East. A large portion of oil sales are made as crude oil.
Derivatives: Products such as diesel, gasoline, petrochemical derivatives are exported.
Oil Production: Kuwait, a major oil producer on a global scale, trades with countries that are major buyers of crude oil and its derivatives.
Derivatives: Products such as diesel, jet fuel, petroleum coke and petrochemical products are prominent.
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Oil and Natural Gas: The UAE is known for its crude oil exports. In addition, petroleum derivatives meet buyers worldwide.
Derivatives: Gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, petrochemical derivatives and natural gas are sold.
Oil Production: Nigeria, the largest oil producer in Africa, generally exports crude oil and its derivatives.
Derivatives: Products such as diesel, petroleum coke, natural gas and petrochemical products are prominent.
Crude Oil: Venezuela has large oil reserves and the country’s economy is largely based on crude oil exports.
Derivatives: Petroleum and its derivatives, especially diesel and petrochemical products, are important in trade.
Oil Sands: Canada is a country with large oil sands and exports crude oil. In addition, natural gas and its derivatives are also exported. Derivatives: Products such as diesel, gasoline, petrochemical derivatives are an important part of trade.
Oil and Gas: Brazil is one of the major oil producers in Latin America. It also trades oil derivatives.
Derivatives: Products such as diesel, gasoline, jet fuel, petrochemical derivatives and LNG (liquefied natural gas) are prominent.
The Most Common Products in Oil and Derivatives Trade
Crude Oil
It is the oil with the largest trade volume in the world. Most countries export this product.
It is a derivative used in automobiles and other vehicles and is in great demand worldwide.
Especially used for industrial vehicles, ships and some transportation vehicles, diesel has a large market share.
Jet Fuel
It is one of the basic needs of the airline industry and therefore has a large trade on a global scale.
LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
LPG, a derivative used in homes and industry and providing ease of transportation and storage, is widely demanded, especially in developing markets.
Petrochemical Products
Chemicals and derivatives obtained from the processing of petroleum, such as plastics; products such as polyethylene, polypropylene, benzene, toluene, are used in the industrial and construction sectors.
Petroleum Coke
It occurs as refinery waste and is mostly used in industry, it is an important derivative product, especially in energy production.
Asphalt, which is used in the construction sector in particular in the construction of roads, is an important petroleum derivative.
Target Countries for Trade
The most common buyers in the trade of petroleum and its derivatives are generally industrialized countries with high energy demand. Among these, countries such as China, India, Japan, Germany, England, South Korea and Turkey stand out. These countries are important buyers, especially in high-volume trades, due to their great need for petroleum and its derivatives.
If you are aiming to grow in oil and derivatives trading, focusing on markets with a large energy demand will be a strategic step to develop your business.